The Radiology Department of GADING PLUIT Hospital provides Digital Imaging Diagnostic which includes:
- MSCT-Scan 128 Slice Somatom go.Top
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) 1.5 Tesla of MAGNETOM Avanto Fit
- Fluoroscopy (in the operating room and catheterization laboratory)
- Ultrasonography (USG) including 4D ultrasound and blood vessels doppler
- Interventional Radiology: Trans Arterial Embolization (TAE), Trans Arterial Chemo-Embolization (TACE), Trans Chemoteraphy Arterial Infusion (TACI)
For REGISTRATION: USG: Ext. 28302 (closed on public holidays) Conventional Radiology, MSCT and MRI: Ext. 28250 Interventional Radiology: Ext. 28325 (with appointment and referral letter from physicians). WhatsApp : - Radiologi: 0817 4859 997 - PET-CT Center: 0878 8288 7552