Jl. Boulevard Timur Raya Kelapa Gading, Jakarta 14250
T. (+6221) 4521001, 4520201   F. (+6221) 4520578
E. gadingpluit@gadingpluit-hospital.com

Emergency: (+6221) 4-5858-258


Diabetes Mellitus, commonly known as 'Diabetes' is a chronic metabolic disease, which is caused by decreased insulin production and or insulin function (insulin resistance), characterized by increased blood sugar levels. Insulin is a natural hormone in the body along with other hormone functions to regulate sugar metabolism. This hormone is produced in the stomachs salivary glands (pancreas).

GADING DIABETES CENTER was founded in 2009 to provide an integrated management of people with diabetes mellitus.

The program consists of:

  • Integrated consultations with 6 multidisciplinary specialists related to diabetes mellitus complications which are diabetologist, cardiologist, nephrologists, ophthalmologist, neurologist, and nutritionist.
  • A routine small group discussion involving 6 – 8 people per session. These people will be guided to comprehensive understanding about Diabetes Mellitus and how to actively manage it in daily living.
  • Laboratory examination package related to Diabetes Mellitus, such as renal function, blood sugar level, lipid profiles and etc.

The whole program requires 2 days of outpatient care in our hospital.

In addition, GADING DIABETES CENTER also organizes Diabetes Mellitus Exercise guided by Diabetes Mellitus Exercise instructors as an essential part of this program, not only for excercise but also as a forum for exchanging experiences with other participants who suffer from Diabetes Mellitus.

To advance the knowledge of Diabetes Mellitus, the Doctors and Nurses at GADING PLUIT Hospital are regularly trained to have a thorough understanding about Diabetes Mellitus and its treatments, before and after the occurence of complications.