In the modern era, obesity has become a global epidemic and is included as one of the deadly diseases. Morbid obesity patients usually have a Body Mass Index > 37 and are at risk of severe complications, such as type II Diabetes, stroke, heart attack, and depression.
The excessive body weight will limit one’s capability to do physical activities required for natural weight loss, other than changing the diet pattern, both quantity or quality, which is also not an easy task.
If conventional therapy does not succeed, minimally invasive surgery procedures (MIS) such as Sleeve Gastrectomy or Roux en Y Bypass Surgery are indicated for weight loss and complication prevention/treatment by modifying the stomach (and) bowel to limit the stomach capacity and food absorption.
Before and after the surgery, the patient’s condition is closely monitored by our Obesity Team, consisting of our nutritionists, internist and surgeons.
For more INFORMATION, please contact: POLYLINIC. Ext. 28235