Jl. Boulevard Timur Raya Kelapa Gading, Jakarta 14250
T. (+6221) 4521001, 4520201   F. (+6221) 4520578
E. gadingpluit@gadingpluit-hospital.com

Emergency: (+6221) 4-5858-258


  • Vascular Ultrasound

Vascular ultrasound examination is an examination of blood vessels with a Color Doppler ultrasound device through analysis of sound waves and color flow. This examination can effectively measure blood flow in blood vessels with high accuracy. Ultrasound examination produces real time images and can assess the condition of the blood vessels in our body. This examination is painless, has no risks and side effects. In general, this examination can help assess abnormalities and flow disturbances in arteries or veins such as:
• Aneurysms and varicose veins
• Blockage of arteries (atherosclerosis) and veins
• Thickening of the intima media of the arteries (thin lining in blood vessels) to help assess or prevent further disease such as stroke and high blood pressure
• Assess the blood vessels around the wound, especially in diabetic patients' leg wounds
• Assess blood flow in the kidneys and liver.

  • USD - 4D

For a future mother, knowing there is another human being grows inside her womb and anticipating her delivery of the child, makes pregnancy an unforgettable exciting experience.

Questions often occur in her mind about her love one inside of her:

  • Is it normal?
  • How its face looks like?
  • How its growth process, is it normal?
  • Is it a boy or a girl?
  • Are there twins or more?

USG-4D facility of RS GADING PLUIT manages to answer those questions by showing real-time high resolution images of your fetus (unborn baby).  With this examination, doctor also can detect recognizable abnormality on the earlier stage, not only on the fetus and problems it might develop, but also risks for its delivery process later.   With such action, doctor and parents could take any necessary intervention for the sake of the baby and the mother.   

The advantages of USG 4D are its ability to:
•    Provide clear and easily understood images.
•    Monitor of the growth and morphology of the fetus better with its real time high resolution images.
•    Record the fetal movement (fetal behavior) and evaluate fetal well being
•    Detect of anomaly / abnormality on the early stage so that early intervention / treatment could be taken.
•    Detect of problems during pregnancy earlier and enable a more coordinated treatments.

In addition to the above examinations, ultrasound is also used as a diagnostic support in Medical Check-Up examinations, and can detect ovarian tumors, detect abnormalities in the thyroid, breast, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, spleen, kidney, bladder, prostate, and others.

For INFORMATION dan REGISTRATION, please contact: USG unit on Ext. 28315, 28316

(Monday – Friday :  07.00 AM – 06.00 PM;  Saturday: 07.30 AM – 04.00 PM)