Jl. Boulevard Timur Raya Kelapa Gading, Jakarta 14250
T. (+6221) 4521001, 4520201   F. (+6221) 4520578
E. gadingpluit@gadingpluit-hospital.com

Emergency: (+6221) 4-5858-258

24-Hour Service

To fulfill your needs for urgent healthcare, GADING PLUIT Hospital provides 24-Hour Emergency Services.
Our Emergency Room (IGD) is ready to provide emergency care and/or lifesaving actions with experienced, skilled and certified medic and paramedics personnel.

Some of the emergency cases we can provide are:
  • Cardiac and Pulmonary Resuscitation
  • Accidents and other Injuries treatments.
  • Stroke emergency cases.
  • And other emergency cases.
In addition, to enforce diagnosis precision and accuracy, our IGD is supported by 24-Hour Pharmacy. Laboratory, and Radiology (including MRI 1,5 Tesla and MSCT-Scan 128 Slice).

In conjunction to our Emergency Department, the Obstetric Emergency Department is also ready 24-hour to help you with your pregnancy emergency with equally qualifications.

For more INFORMATION, please call: IGD Ext. 28243

For AMBULANCE Assistance: (+6221) 4-5858-258