Jl. Boulevard Timur Raya Kelapa Gading, Jakarta 14250
T. (+6221) 4521001, 4520201   F. (+6221) 4520578
E. gadingpluit@gadingpluit-hospital.com

Emergency: (+6221) 4-5858-258

MSCT-SCAN 128 SLICE - Somatom go.Top

The MSCT-Ccan 128 Slice Somatom go.Top in GADING PLUIT Hospital is an X-ray examination that can provide detailed images of the human body such as the head, spine, chest, abdomen, and blood vessels. The resulting images are very clear and detailed so that the patient does not need rayed many times since irradiation produces 128 image slices with 0:33 seconds rotation and makes very short time examination.

With high resolution images, we can evaluate non-invasively blood vessels such as the coronary arteries of the heart, blood vessels of the aorta, the blood vessels in the brain, and etc.

This equipment can also be used for examination of the colon without inserting an endoscope into the examined colon with result resembles to endoscopy examination (CT endoscopy).  In addition, the equipment is also able to evaluate the lung tumor size in both benign and malignant 3D images accurately required for further action.

Our MSCT-Scan facility is supported by professional doctors who are experienced with CT-Scan equipment both for diagnostic purposes (cardiac, abdominal, cancer, and etc) as well as for the purposes of CT-guided procedures in minimally invasive measures such as biopsy and cryotherapy.
For REGISTRATION, please contact: Radiology Dept. Ext. 28250