Jl. Boulevard Timur Raya Kelapa Gading, Jakarta 14250
T. (+6221) 4521001, 4520201   F. (+6221) 4520578
E. gadingpluit@gadingpluit-hospital.com

Emergency: (+6221) 4-5858-258


GADING INTEGRATED CANCER CARE (GICC) is an integrated cancer service center, provided by Gading Pluit Hospital to provide comprehensive and integrated therapy for cancer Patients.

Cancer can rarely be treated with just one type of therapy. For each case, a different combinations is needed, which is adjusted to the Patients conditions such as the type of cancer, pathological features, stage, co-morbidities, etc. It requires the cooperation of specialist who directly treat it as surgery, medical oncology (chemotherapy), and radiation oncology (radiotherapy), as well as indirectly such as diagnostic and supporting fields.

At GICC, we believe that every Patient has different needs. Therefore, we are the first cancer service center to implement a Joint Consultation Clinic which is routinely held at Tumor Board Meetings with teleconference support, to ensure effective communication in planning therapy for each Patient.

Concepts above have been proven to reduce the number of unnecessary examinations / consultations, reduce the risk of medication errors and improve therapeutic outcomes.

The available cancer service facilities, both for diagnostics and therapy include:


  • Ultrasonografi / Color Doppler
  • MSCT-Scan 128 Slice (Multi Slice CT Scan) & MRI 1.5 Tesla (Magnetic Resonance Imaging)
  • PET/CT-Scan (Positron Emission Tomography/Computed Tomography-Scan). A tool with cutting-edge technology for non-invasive cancer spread detection on the early stage.
  • Endoscopy to examine: digestive tract (gastro-colonoscopy), breathing tract (bronchoscopy), urinary tract (cystoscopy), and others.
  • Endosonography is the latest treatment using endosocopy combined with USG to observe internal layers of the digestive system and others.
  • Surgery, including Endo-Laparoscopic technique.
  • Catherization Laboratory.  This tool is able to reach all blood vessels, including the ones feeding the tumor / cancer.
  • Pathology Anatomy; including Fine Needle Biopsy (FNB)
  • Clinical Pathology
  • And others.


  • Surgery, including Endo-Laparoscopic technique.
  • Chemotherapy
  • Radiotherapy with  3D-CRT dan IMRT technique.
  • TACI (Transarterial Chemo-Infusion): A new way of chemotherapy directly through the feeding blood vessels of the cancer region.
  • TACE (Transarterial Chemo Embolization): TACE is performed by embolizing the blood vessels to cut the blood supply of the tumor / cancer regions.
  • Palliative
  • And others

For more INFORMATION, please contact: GICC: Ext. 28160-61