Jl. Boulevard Timur Raya Kelapa Gading, Jakarta 14250
T. (+6221) 4521001, 4520201   F. (+6221) 4520578
E. gadingpluit@gadingpluit-hospital.com

Emergency: (+6221) 4-5858-258

Medical Check-Up

To provide the best Medical Check-Up service, GADING PLUIT Hospital has prepared modern diagnostic equipments, such as:

  • Complete and modern Laboratory
  • 4–Dimension USG
  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging (“MRI”) Magnetom Avanto Fit Total Imaging Matrix 1,5 Tesla;
  • Multi Slice Computed Tomography (“MSCT”) Scan 128 Slice Somatom go.Top.

We provide you 10 customized MCU Packages for your needs:

In general, the MCU procedure are as follows:

  1. Register at the MCU Dept. minimal 1 day before the examination day.
  2. The Patient is expected to come on time as scheduled.
  3. Patients are required to fast (with the exception to drinking water), starting from 22:00, the previous until the day of examination.
For corporate MCU, the packages can be adjusted accordingly to tailor your specific needs. All examinations are performed at GADING PLUIT Hospital.

For further information, please contact:

Individual MCU: MCU Dept. Ext. 28327 (Monday – Saturday: 07.30 – 14.00)

Corporate MCU: CRM Dept. Ext. 28125
(Monday – Friday: 09.00 – 16.00; Saturday: 09.00 – 13.00)