The increasing number of exposure to various chemicals / pollutants, radiation , etc. into our daily lives has lead to a variety of chronic physical disorders, including allergy / hypersensitivity reaction of the body to the surrounding environment . This is very disturbing to productivity and daily activities. The Bioresonance concept is based on the basic theory that all objects and living things are composed of atoms and molecules that emit electromagnetic waves. Allergies occur due to allergen substances that disrupt the balance of the electromagnetic frequencies of atoms and molecules in the organs of our body. Supposedly normal cells emit electromagnetic waves are regular and balanced so that the communication between cells is also going well. With an equipment invented by Dr. Hans Brügemann from Germany in 1976 which was then popularized by Dr. Peter Schumacher, with brand BiCom – Bioresonance, allergic reactions to certain substances can be detected by this equipment, further imbalance of the electromagnetic waves can be scaled back to reduce or even eliminate the reaction to these substances . Treatment of allergies with bioresonance principle is suitable for various types of allergic conditions, asthma, neurodermatitis, rheumatic, migraine, and also various kinds of pain. The Bioresonance therapy is supported by numerous scientific studies (Evidence - based) and has the equivalent effect of treatment with conventional treatment method with the advantage that patients do not require continuous drug consumption. Our ALLERGY CLINIC is using the bioresonance principle and has been operating since 2007. For REGISTRATION, please contact: Ext. 28712, 28713 |