As a form of our commitment to provide international standard services. Gading Pluit Hospital has entered into a collaboration with the Swiss-based Baermed Center of Abdominal Surgery.
In this case, each patient's case is examined by the RSGP surgical team, which also includes specialists in internal medicine, gastroenterology, oncology, and intensive care.
Prof. Med Hans U. Baer as Head of the Center often visits Indonesia to provide surgical training with a group of other surgeons. This program includes specialized hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgery, abdominal oncological surgery, and complex abdominal surgical cases.
The best treatment for complex cases per individual was discussed by the team with Prof. Baer in Switzerland with a video connection. And other experienced specialists will also come along if needed. Thus, reviewing cases before surgery is carried out without wasting time. Furthermore, surgery can be performed by surgeons in Indonesia, or if indeed the case is very complicated and requires further expert treatment with surgeons from Switzerland.
The international cooperation program has been running since, also supported by the PBEI institution (Indonesian Endolaparoscopic Surgery Association).
For more information please contact: Baermed Center of Abdominal Surgery